Streets with a History, Bild 1 Streets with a History, Bild 2 Streets with a History, Bild 3 Streets with a History, Bild 4 Streets with a History, Bild 5 Streets with a History, Bild 6 Streets with a History, Bild 7 Streets with a History, Bild 8 Streets with a History, Bild 9 Streets with a History, Bild 10 Streets with a History, Bild 11 Streets with a History, Bild 12 Streets with a History, Bild 13

Streets with a History


WDR, 2014, 2 x 45 minutes

Straßen mit Geschichte

(Streets With a History)

Director: Ulrike Brincker
WDR, 2014, 2 x 45 min.

There are streets whose names are famous around the world – streets like Fifth Avenue, Wall Street, the Champs Elysee. We have some streets like those in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) too – known perhaps not around the world, but of significance far beyond the borders of our state. Streets in which one can tell a piece of NRW history, or even German history; streets which represent the development of economic, social, or political life in our country.

 With two such streets, we shall start our new series: “Rhine Champs-Élysées – Düsseldorf’s ‘Kö’” and “Street of Power – Adenauerallee in Bonn”.